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Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN)

What is DeBN?

Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN) is a FREE and voluntary service that allows debtors to request and receive bankruptcy court notices and orders by email instead of by U.S. mail.

  • With a DeBN account, only the court is allowed to send court notices and orders to you by email through the DeBN.
  • All other parties, such as the trustee and creditors, will continue to serve documents upon you either via U.S. mail or in person, pursuant to court rules.
  • The Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) sends all court notices and orders to parties by either email or mail.

What are Court Notices and Orders?

Court notices and orders are documents created and filed by the bankruptcy court, which may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Notice of Meeting of Creditors and other initial notices
  • Notices of deficiencies or setting deadlines
  • Orders on motions
  • Orders setting deadlines or hearings
  • Order Discharging Debtor

How Do I Sign-Up for DeBN?

  1. Obtain the Debtor's Electronic Noticing Request (DeBN) form here or from the Clerk's Office.
  2. Complete and sign the form with your original signature.  Digital or typed signatures are not accepted.
  3. File the completed form with the court in-person or by mail.  Alternatively, your attorney may file it electronically, if you have one.
  4. The Clerk's Office will create your account, and you will receive a confirmation email from the BNC when your account is activated. Going forward, all court generated notices and orders will then be emailed to you if you keep your contact information current and there are no email transmission failures.

I filed my bankruptcy jointly with my spouse. Do we both have to request a DeBN Account?

Debtors in a joint case may request a DeBN account by filing individual request forms.  If only one debtor enrolls, the debtor enrolled in DeBN will receive court notices and orders via email, and the debtor not enrolled in DeBN will receive court notices and orders via mail. 

Each debtor that elects DeBN service must complete and sign the request form to receive a DeBN account.  Joint debtors may use the same email address, but separate DeBN accounts will be created, and separate emails will be sent for the court notices and orders.

How Do I Update My Email, Deactivate, or Reactivate My DeBN Account?

The Debtor’s Electronic Notice Request (DeBN) form is used to update email information and to request deactivation or reactivation of your DeBN account.  Follow the same steps listed under How Do I Sign-Up for DEBN? to complete those requests.    

How do I Update My Mailing Address?

If your mailing address changes, you or your attorney must file a Notice of Change of Address with the court. The Clerk's Office will change the address for both your bankruptcy case and your DeBN account. You will then receive an email from the BNC advising you that your DeBN account has been updated.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions about DeBN?

Please contact the Clerk's Office at (907)-271-2655, if you have any questions about the DeBN program. Do not contact the BNC or reply to emails you receive from the BNC. Those BNC email accounts are used for the sole purpose of sending emails, and the inboxes are not monitored.

Name and Address Matching

DeBN uses your name and address exactly as it appears in your bankruptcy case.  If your name and address in the case do not match your DeBN account, then the notice or order will be delivered to you via U.S. mail.  If you recently filed a change of address with the court and did not receive an email from the BNC advising you that your DeBN account was updated, please contact the Clerk’s Office for assistance.