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Monthly Chapter 11 Lunch Series Starting January 31, 2024

Friday, January 12, 2024

The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Washington, together with the Washington Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, is launching a series of meetings to discuss and explain chapter 11 reorganizations.  Each month, a group will present a discussion of various aspects of a chapter 11 proceeding from initial considerations to file a chapter 11 to closing a case and obtaining a final decree. While the content of these programs is focused on beginners, all levels of practitioners are welcome and will benefit from participation. The series is intended for anyone interested in learning about the workings and issues involved in a chapter 11 .  The announcement for the initial two presentations is attached.  This project has been coordinated with the Alaska Bankruptcy Court and Alaska chapter 11 practitioners. 

The first two presentations will focus on initial considerations when filing a chapter 11.  The first presentation is on Chapter Choice, Suitability, and Alternatives to Filing is scheduled for Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at 11:00 Alaska time.  The presentations are scheduled for the last Wednesday of the month. The second presentation will be on Employment Issues and First Day Motions in Chapter 11 will be made on February 28, 2024.  We invite those interested to attend and watch the video presentation in person in the Herbert A. Ross Courtroom, Old Federal Building, 605 W. 4th Avenue, Anchorage, and to participate in a question and answer session (roughly 30 minutes) relating to Alaska bankruptcy practices following the presentation afterwards. 

Anyone interested may also participate via Zoom. More information on the lunch series as well as Zoom link can be found on the website for the Bankruptcy Court for District of Western Washington ( ).