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News & Announcements

Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.

Wed, 11/18/2020
The following Pending Rules and Forms Amendments Effective December 1, 2020 can be found here.   Proposed Federal Bankruptcy Fee Changes Effective December 1, 2020 can be found here.
Thu, 09/24/2020
The United States Department of Justice, Office of the United States Trustee, seeks resumes from persons wishing to be considered for inclusion in a pool of trustees who may be appointed on a case-by-case basis to administer cases filed under the...
Mon, 08/31/2020
The Judicial Conference Advisory Committees on Appellate, Bankruptcy, Civil, and Criminal Rules have proposed amendments to the Appellate, Bankruptcy, Civil, and Criminal Rules, including the following Bankruptcy Rules and related forms:...
Fri, 05/29/2020
The above General Order can be found here.
Tue, 05/05/2020
Exhibits to be presented for admission during evidentiary hearings must now be filed on the case docket in advance of the hearings.  Those copies of the exhibits must be attached to the final exhibit list when filed on the docket.  The...
Mon, 04/27/2020
The above General Orders can be found here.
Fri, 04/24/2020
U.S. Trustee Program Extends Telephonic Section 341 Meetings To Cases Filed Through July 10, 2020   Second Amended Notice From The Office Of The United States Trustee As To Telephonic Meetings Of Creditors
