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Court Contact Information

Clerk's Office
General Information Toll Free - In State (800) 859-8059
In Anchorage  (907) 271-2655
Janet Stafford, Clerk of Court (907) 271-2467
Donna Williams, Chief Deputy (907) 271-4000
Finance (907) 271-2627
IT (907) 271-2626
Requesting Telephonic Participation
Court Hearings Click here for Telephonic Information
341 Hearings (206) 553-2000 ext 229
Electronic Filing Information
CM/ECF Electronic Filing Access Help
Chief Judge Spraker
Sue VanSchooten, Judicial Assistant (907) 271-2667
Angella Tharp, Law Clerk (907) 271-2621
CM/ECF Filer - Electronic Order Submission
(Only ECF filers may submit proposed orders to the email address.
The court accepts the orders in Word format only.
The subject line of the email must contain the case name, case number,
and the title of the order being submitted.  Questions regarding orders
should be directed to Judge Spraker's Chambers.)